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    I understand cancellations need to be submitted, at least, ( 2 ) weeks prior to the date that I want to discontinue the service, or before the billing date (the 15th of every month).

    Sunny-Net Hikari and neXtreme internet are both combined services, NTT and ISP, therefore, these services CANNOT be cancelled separately.  At the time of cancellation, the service has to be cancelled entirely with Sunny-Net Ltd. 

    In the event that I fail to give Sunny-Net two weeks notice, I will not receive a refund of any payment that is already processed. Additionally, I would be disqualified to use the mail-in return system, and will need to personally return the devices to Sunny-Net.

Cancellation Form
Reason for Cancellation
Must be within 1 week after cancellation.

Thank You. We will contact you shortly.

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